Tag Archives: EndeavourOS

EndeavourOS Gemini

I haven’t blogged about the EndeavourOS installation for a while. Let’s have a look at the new EndeavourOS Gemini. I’m going to install it into a KVM virtual machine. The installer now features KDE Plasma instead of Xfce as in the past (and the Arm installer has been removed, unfortunately): As usual, I update the […]

Nerd Fonts in KDE Plasma 6

As I have written, I’m using “Oh-My-Zsh” with Nerd icons and fonts. It has always worked perfectly in KDE. A few days ago, KDE Plasma 6 landed in Arch (and thus, EndeavourOS), and after upgrading, the Nerd fonts were not displayed in Konsole and Kate (and, I guess, in other KDE applications). For example, before […]

KDE Plasma 6 Desktop Cube in Arch Linux

At last, KDE Plasma 6 has landed in Arch Linux (and in EndeavourOS, of course), and you’re eager to try the return of the desktop effect “Desktop Cube”! 🙂 You try to enable that in the System Settings “Desktop Effects.” You try the default shortcut “Meta + C”, and… it doesn’t work 🙁 Oh, they […]

Hyprland and notifications with mako

Here’s another post on how to get started with Hyprland. This time, we’ll see how to configure notifications with mako, a lightweight notification daemon for Wayland, which also works with Hyprland. (you might also want to consider and experiment with an alternative: dunst). If you followed my previous tutorials, you have no notification daemon installed. […]

Hyprland: getting started (part 2)

This is the second blog post on getting started with Hyprland (see the first post here). In this article, we install and configure a few other tools. We will also look at the customization of keyboard shortcuts. Other tools As noted here https://wiki.hyprland.org/Useful-Utilities/Must-have/, you need an Authentication Agent: Authentication agents are the things that pop […]

Installing EndeavourOS ARM on a PineBook Pro

I have already blogged about installing Arch on a PineBook Pro: the first article and the second article. In this blog post, I’ll describe how to install EndeavourOS on a PineBook Pro. As detailed here, https://arm.endeavouros.com/endeavouros-arm-install/, there are 3 ways to install EndeavourOS on an Arm device like the PineBook Pro. In this blog post, I’ll […]

TLP: Limiting Battery Charge on LG Gram in Linux

I had already blogged on how to limit battery charge on LG Gram in Linux. In that post, you had to manually set the threshold “80” in the file “/sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit”. With TLP, the procedure is easier and more automatic. First, you must install tlp (remember that tlp conflicts with power-profiles-daemon, so you have to disable […]

KVM Virtual Machine Manager and Virtual Machines on external drives

Last year, I blogged about my first experiences with KVM and Virtual Machine Manager. Then, I stopped using KVM because I’ve always found VirtualBox easier for my experiments. In particular, with VirtualBox, it is trivial to store virtual machines on an external drive (I mean, a fast external SD, of course): you specify to use […]

Installing EndeavourOS Linux on an Acer Aspire Vero

I have already blogged about my new computer Acer Aspire Vero and how to install Ubuntu on that. In this blog post, I’ll briefly discuss installing EndeavourOS on the same computer. I wrote it some months ago, so it’s not based on the new EndeavourOS Cassini version. It’s based on Endeavour OS Nova. However, the […]

Network Printers Discovery in Arch Linux

In Arch Linux (and Arch-based distros like EndeavourOS), it’s easy to add a network printer if you already know its address. Still, network printer discovery does not work out of the box as it happens on other distributions like Fedora or Ubuntu. The procedure to enable network printer discovery is, of course, documented in the […]

Installing Amarok on Arch Linux

I have always liked Amarok, the (initially) default KDE media player. It’s very feature-rich, nothing compared to Elisa. Moreover, it has two crucial features that I haven’t found in any other players: it saves statistics (play count and stars) directly into the music file it synchronizes statistics with iPod Unfortunately, while still maintained, you won’t […]

Enabling Hibernation in EndeavourOS (with dracut)

EndeavourOS is an Arch-based Linux distro, so the technique for enabling hibernation for an Arch-based distro should work out of the box. That was true until the new ISO released this December, “Cassini”, where they switched from “mkinitcpio” to “dracut”. Now, a few things must be adapted to make hibernation work in EndeavourOS, and the […]