Tag Archives: xtext

The new Xbase JvmGenericTypeValidator in Xtext

The new release of Xtext 2.35.0 comes with many new cool features. I personally worked on the introduction of the JvmGenericTypeValidator. Quoting from the release notes: Automatic validation for Xbase languages The new JvmGenericTypeValidator was introduced to automatically perform several Java-related checks in the hierarchy of the inferred JvmGenericTypes of an Xbase language, with the corresponding error reporting. […]

Xtext, monorepo and Maven/Tycho

TL; DR: Xtext sources are now in a single Git monorepo (https://github.com/eclipse/xtext), and the build infrastructure is based entirely on Maven/Tycho (Gradle is not used anymore). Background A few years ago, Xtext sources were split into 6 separate GitHub repositories. I did not take part in that decision (I guess at that time, I wasn’t […]

The second edition of the Xtext book has been published

The second edition of the Xtext book, Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend, was published at the end of August: https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/implementing-domain-specific-languages-xtext-and-xtend-second-edition. So… get it while it’s hot 🙂 Please, see my previous post for details about the novelties in this edition. Sources of the examples are on github: https://github.com/LorenzoBettini/packtpub-xtext-book-2nd-examples. Hope you’ll enjoy the book!

The forthcoming second edition of the Xtext book

The second edition of the Xtext book should be published soon! In the meantime it is already available for preorders. At the time of writing, you can benefit for discounts and preorder it at 10$. I’ll detail the differences and novelties of this second edition. But, first things first! A huge thank you to Jan Köhnlein, for reviewing […]

Dealing with Technical Debt with Sonarqube: a case study with Xsemantics

I recently started to play with Sonarqube to reduce “technical debt” and hopefully improve code quality. I’d like to report on my experiences about using Sonarqube to analyze Xsemantics, a DSL for writing rule systems (e.g., type systems) for Xtext languages. I was already using the Jenkins Continuous Integration server, and while building I was […]

Switching to Xcore in your Xtext language

This is a followup of my previous post, Switching from an inferred Ecore model to an imported one in your Xtext grammar. The rationale for switching to manually maintained metamodel can be found in the previous post. In this post, instead of using an Ecore file, we will use Xcore, Xcore is an extended concrete syntax […]

Switching from an inferred Ecore model to an imported one in your Xtext grammar

When you use Xtext for developing your language the Ecore model for the AST is automatically derived/inferred from the grammar. If your DSL is simple, this automatic meta-model inference is usually enough. However, there might be cases where you need more control on the meta-model and in such cases you will want to switch from an inferred Ecore […]

Using the Xtend compiler in Buckminster builds

Up to now, I was always putting the Xtend generated Java files in my git repositories (for my Xtext projects), since I still hadn’t succeeded in invoking the Xtend standalone compiler in a Buckminster build. Dennis Hübner published a post with some hints on how to achieve that, but that never worked for me (and apparently it […]

The book on Xtext is out

My book on Xtext, “Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend” is now available on Packt website! Get it while it’s hot! 🙂 You can find the outline and an example chapter at http://www.packtpub.com/implementing-domain-specific-languages-with-xtext-and-xtend/book Many thanks to the reviewers of the book: Jan Koehnlein, Henrik Lindberg, Pedro J. Molina, and Sebastian Zarnekow! The sources of the examples presented […]