Monthly Archives: August 2020

Grub remembers the last choice

In all my computers I have dual boot, Ubuntu and Windows, though I’m using the former 99% of the time 😉 On one of my laptop I started to evaluate also Manjaro (probably a blog post will come in the near future). I let Manjaro install the main efi grub boot loader and I noticed that upon reboots its grub configuration remembers the last choice! That is, if I booted Ubuntu (not the first choice in the menu) and I reboot then “Ubuntu” entry is the one selected by default. The same holds for Windows.

I find this feature really cool and useful:

  • if I had previously used Ubuntu and possibly hibernated the computer, then, even after a few days, when I boot the laptop I know which OS I had booted the last time;
  • if I boot Windows (…once in a month?) I will probably experience many updates which require a few reboots; if I left the computer unattended during rebooting I used to find myself back to Linux (the primary default choice in grub) and I had to reboot and choose Windows so that updates are installed (if Windows updates require a few reboots that’s quite annoying).

I thought that Manjaro had some special tweaks in the installed grub, but then I learned that’s a standard feature of Grub!

You just have to add these two lines in your /etc/default/grub:

Save and run

And that’s all! From then on Grub will remember your last choice 🙂