Installing EndeavourOS Linux on an Acer Aspire Vero

I have already blogged about my new computer Acer Aspire Vero and how to install Ubuntu on that.

In this blog post, I’ll briefly discuss installing EndeavourOS on the same computer. I wrote it some months ago, so it’s not based on the new EndeavourOS Cassini version. It’s based on Endeavour OS Nova. However, the procedure and the results should be the same also with the current version of the EndeavourOS installer.

First of all, the installer detected my Ethernet card and nicely proposed using a working driver:

I choose the default.

Then, after the WiFi connection has been established, it’s time to start the installation:

I still haven’t tried “Customizing the install process”, I’ll have a look at it in the future, maybe.

First, I updated the mirrors, choosing my country (actually, it had already been detected by the installer):

I started the installer and chose the “Online” method to install KDE, not Xfce (the default DE).

I choose America English (though I’m Italian, I always prefer to have my OS in English). The location has been automatically detected again, and I’ll stick with the proposed settings:

I choose “Manual partitioning” because I want to keep Windows and my current two other Linux installations.

I mount the EFI partition to “/boot/efi” (the “boot” flag is automatically selected):

I create a new partition for the root partition on the free space, choosing BTRFS:

I also mount the existing EXT4 partition to share some common work data (including Docker images, containers, and Java-related stuff). The final layout is as follows:

When I continue, I get a warning because of the EFI partition, which is expected to be at least 300Mb; mine is smaller, but I’m sure there’s enough space, so I continue:

For the desktop, I select “Plasma KDE”.

Now we get to the package selection. Some packages are already selected by default:

I deselect from “Desktop Base” => “GPU drivers” the “xf86-video-intel” since it’s known to give a few problems (including the screenshot tool Spectacle capturing old screen contents), and I’ll rely on the default mesa. I also select the LTS kernel in additions since I prefer an LTS besides the latest kernel (in case of problems, the LTS kernel usually works best).

Moreover, I also select everything concerning printing:

After the user details, it’s time to review the partitioning, which looks reasonable.

Let’s start the installation! Remember to “Toggle log” to see what the installer is doing under the hood.

In a matter of minutes, the installation finished successfully.

Before rebooting, you might want to save the “endeavour-install.log” file generated by the installer in the home folder of the “liveuser”.

And here’s the installed system:

I set the fonts to 120 (that is, 25% bigger) so that I could read better.

The sound does not work fine. I tried to play a video on YouTube, and it worked, but now and then, I get no sound at all (even if I increase/decrease the volume, I get no sound from the DE). I guess that’s due to the “wireplumber” installed by default. On Arch News, they suggest using “pipewire-media-session” instead of “wireplumber”. So I do as suggested:

And reboot (you have to accept the removal of “wireplumber”).

EndeavourOS works great on this laptop! 🙂

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