Tag Archives: kubuntu

Multibooting with GRUB

4th July, updated with BTRFS installations. There’s also a more recent and simpler version of this post. Besides Windows (which I rarely use) on my computers, I have a few Linux distributions. Grub 2 does a good job booting Windows and Linux, especially thanks to os-prober, in autodetecting other operating systems in other partitions of […]

Problems with Linux 5.13 in LG GRAM 16

I recently bought an LG GRAM 16 and I really enjoy that (I’ll blog about that in the near future, hopefully). I had no problems installing Linux, nor with Manjaro Gnome (Phavo) neither with Kubuntu. However, in Manjaro Gnome I soon started to note some lags, especially with the touchpad and some repainting issues. I […]

Accessing Google Online Account from GNOME and KDE

In this post, I’d like to share my experiences in setting a Google Online Account in GNOME and KDE. Actually, I have more than one Google account, and the procedures I show can be repeated for all your Google accounts. First, a disclaimer: I’ve always loved KDE and I’ve used that since version 3. Lately, […]

HiDPI in KDE Plasma

HiDPI support in KDE Plasma has been recently improved! I’m afraid what’s not improved is the procedure for using that. In this post I’ll detail the steps to use HiDPI with KDE if you have a high resolution display (for example, I have that in my Linux Dell M3800). Remember that the settings you change […]

Flickering for Intel graphic card in Linux 4.2

After I upgraded my Dell Precision m3800 to the new Kubuntu Wily 15.10 I had a very bad surprise: the screen was continuously flickering in a way that it was unusable. This happens only if you are NOT using the default highest resolution 3200×1800 which, at least for me, is really too small. I thought it was […]

Installing Linux Kubuntu on a Dell Precision M3800

I recently had to install Linux Kubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander (at the time of writing I’ve already upgraded it to 14.04 Trusty Tahr) on a Dell Precision M3800 (a really cool and powerful laptop, see the details here). The installation went really smooth, and I’m enjoying a very fast and stable Linux OS on this laptop. […]