Tag Archives: ubuntu

Ansible tasks for installing Firefox and Thunderbird as DEB packages in Ubuntu

Ubuntu has forced the installation of Firefox and Thunderbird as snap packages for some time. I don’t like snap packages since they’re a bit slower to start, take much more space on the disk, and store the profile files into the “.snap” directory folder, while I want them in the standard place in my home […]

My Ansible Role for KDE

I have already started blogging about Ansible; in particular, I have shown how to develop and test an Ansible role with Molecule and Docker, also on Gitpod. I have also shown my Ansible role for GNOME. This blog post will describe my Ansible role for installing the KDE Plasma desktop environment with several programs and […]

A look at Ubuntu 23.10 Mantic Minotaur

Nowadays, I mostly use Arch-based distributions (especially with EndeavourOS). So I haven’t been using Ubuntu for a while and decided to try it again now that the brand new release, 23.10 “Mantic Minotaur”, is available. I tested it on my Dell XPS 13. Here we are in the live environment: Let’s start the installation. This […]

My Ansible Role for GNOME

I have already started blogging about Ansible; in particular, I have shown how to develop and test an Ansible role with Molecule and Docker, also on Gitpod. This blog post will describe my Ansible role for installing the GNOME desktop environment with several programs and configurations. As for the other roles I’ve blogged about, this […]

Ubuntu, Oh My Zsh, Powerlevel10k and Meslo fonts

I haven’t been using Ubuntu for a while, but I wanted to give it another try. I’m using my Ansible playbook for installing ZSH, Oh My Zsh, and p10k (Powerlevel10k), so I thought everything would work like a charm. However, after running the playbook and restarting, the terminal did not look quite right: You see […]

My Ansible Role for “Oh My Zsh” and other CLI programs

I have already started blogging about Ansible; in particular, I have shown how to develop and test an Ansible role with Molecule and Docker, also on Gitpod. This blog post will describe my Ansible role for installing “Oh My Zsh” and several command line programs. The role also installs the starship prompt or the p10k […]

Installing Ubuntu Linux on an Acer Aspire Vero

As I wrote in this other article, I recently bought an Acer Aspire Vero, which I greatly enjoy. Of course, I immediately installed Linux on this machine. In this article, I’ll report my experience installing Ubuntu (Ubuntu 22.10 “Kinetic Kudu”) on this Acer Aspire Vero. Although nowadays I’m mainly an Arch Linux user, when installing […]

Timeshift and grub-btrfs in Ubuntu

UPDATED 22/Dec/2022, ChangeLog: 22/Dec/2022: added the flag “-czstd” for defragmentation and compression. 20/Nov/2022: documented the new version of grub-btrfs and its new grub-btrfsd daemon; the configuration for Timeshift is much simpler, but you have to install another package: inotify-tools. 17/Nov/2022: documented that I could also create additional subvolumes and move existing contents from the running […]

Ubuntu Jammy and Nvidia

I installed Ubuntu Jammy a few months ago, when it was released, on a desktop computer. It was a terrible experience: crashes now and then, and the Wayland session was not working well on some applications. After a week, I uninstalled it immediately and switched to Fedora on that computer. Then, a new point release […]

Dropbox and Gnome 42

Now that Gnome 42 has been released and available in most Linux distributions, I started experiencing problems with the Dropbox icon in the system tray. First of all, I have no problem with Ubuntu 22.04, which comes with the extension “AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support” https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/. Moreover, I think the problem is not there because, while […]

How to install Linux on a USB drive with UEFI support using VirtualBox

That’s the third post on installing Linux on a USB drive! Remember that the idea is to have a USB drive that will work as a portable Linux operating system on any computer. In the first post, How to install Linux on a USB drive using Virtualbox, the USB drive with Linux installed could be […]

Problems with Linux 5.13 in LG GRAM 16

I recently bought an LG GRAM 16 and I really enjoy that (I’ll blog about that in the near future, hopefully). I had no problems installing Linux, nor with Manjaro Gnome (Phavo) neither with Kubuntu. However, in Manjaro Gnome I soon started to note some lags, especially with the touchpad and some repainting issues. I […]

Enabling Hibernation on Ubuntu 20.04

I have never been able to make hibernation (suspend to disk) work on my laptops (Dell M3800 and Dell XPS 13 9370) on Ubuntu with systemd. The symptom was that running

was making the system shutdown, but then upon restart the system was not restored: it was just like booting the system from scratch. […]

Eclipse tested with a few Gnome themes

In this small blog post I’ll show how Eclipse looks like in Linux Gnome (Ubuntu 17.10) with a few Gnome themes. First of all, the default Ubuntu theme, Ambiance, makes Eclipse look not very nice… see the icons, which are “packed” and “compressed” in the toolbar, not to mention the cut “Filter Files” textbox in […]

How to add Eclipse launcher in Gnome dock

In this post I’ll show how to add an Eclipse launcher as a favorite (pinned) application in the Gnome dock (I’m using Ubuntu Artful). This post is inspired by http://blog.ttoine.net/en/2016/06/30/how-to-add-eclipse-neon-launcher-in-gnu-linux-menus-and-launchers/. First of all, you need to create a .desktop file, where you need to specify the full path of your Eclipse installation:

This is relative […]

Install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal 64bit

Acrobat Reader used to be available from Ubuntu Partner repository, but it is not available anymore in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal! So you have to download the .deb package from adobe.com and install it: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/9.5.1/enu/AdbeRdr9.5.1-1_i386linux_enu.deb However, if you have a 64bit system, do not forget to install also these packages:

Otherwise, acroread will fail […]