Tag Archives: github

Publishing an Eclipse p2 composite repository on GitHub Pages

I had already described the process of publishing an Eclipse p2 composite update site: Publish an Eclipse p2 composite repository on Bintray Publish an Eclipse p2 repository on Sourceforge with rsync Well, now that Bintray is shutting down, and Sourceforge is quite slow in serving an Eclipse update site, I decided to publish my Eclipse […]

Caching dependencies in GitHub Actions

I recently started to port all my Java projects from Travis CI to GitHub Actions, since Travis CI changed its pricing model. (I’ll soon update also my book on TDD and Build Automation under that respect.) I’ve always used caching mechanisms during the builds in Travis CI, to speed up the builds: caching Maven dependencies, […]

Publishing a Maven Site to GitHub Pages

In this tutorial I’d like to show how to publish a Maven Site to GitHub Pages. You can find several documents on the web about this subject, but I decided to publish one myself because the documents I found refer to a deprecated plugin (https://github.com/github/maven-plugins/tree/master/github-site-plugin) or show complicated settings, also when using the official Maven […]