Tag Archives: zsh

Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k in macOS

I know there are many blog posts on installing and configuring “Oh My Zsh” and Powerlevel10k (p10k for short) in macOS. However, they are a bit outdated, and the installation/configuration process is now much easier. So, here’s my blog post on installing and configuring Oh My Zsh with Powerlevel10k (p10k for short) in macOS (for […]

Ubuntu, Oh My Zsh, Powerlevel10k and Meslo fonts

I haven’t been using Ubuntu for a while, but I wanted to give it another try. I’m using my Ansible playbook for installing ZSH, Oh My Zsh, and p10k (Powerlevel10k), so I thought everything would work like a charm. However, after running the playbook and restarting, the terminal did not look quite right: You see […]

My Ansible Role for “Oh My Zsh” and other CLI programs

I have already started blogging about Ansible; in particular, I have shown how to develop and test an Ansible role with Molecule and Docker, also on Gitpod. This blog post will describe my Ansible role for installing “Oh My Zsh” and several command line programs. The role also installs the starship prompt or the p10k […]