Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

VirtualBox in Fedora Linux

I have no problem installing VirtualBox and the related tools and extensions in Ubuntu and Arch. In Fedora, things are a little bit harder. First, I think it’s better NOT to download binaries distributed by VirtualBox: I’m using Fedora packages that are available from RPM Fusion Free. Thus, first of all, you have to enable […]

Again woes for KDE and Google Accounts

TL;DR If you want to access your Google Calendars from Korganizer or Kalendar, remember to enable “Enable the KDE wallet subsystem”. I had already written about the cumbersome procedure to access Google accounts in KDE, and I thought I had learned enough to “easily” set my Google calendars in KDE. I was wrong. Today I […]

SSH into a VirtualBox machine

I use VirtualBox a lot for testing purposes, mainly to experiment with a Linux distribution (to see whether it’s worthwhile to install it on bare metal) and to test procedures that might involve some complex (and maybe “dangerous”) operations. After you install VirtualBox Guest Additions, things like bidirectional copy-and-paste will work. Some distributions seem to […]

Finding a type in the classpath of an Eclipse Java project

Recently, I started to contribute and maintain Pitclipse, an Eclipse plugin for running mutation testing with PIT. We needed a mechanism to detect whether JUnit 5 is in the classpath of a Java project (so that we could run PIT with its JUnit 5 plugin). The first implementation of such a mechanism was rather cumbersome […]

Locate and BTRFS

I’ve always been using the locate command (provided by the mlocate package or by the new plocate package), which quickly searches for files and directories by their names. The command relies on the database built by the command updatedb (which should be run periodically, e.g., by enabling the plocate-updatedb.timer service for plocate). Unfortunately, by default, […]

Configure Arch Pacman

Pacman is the package manager in Linux Arch and Linux Arch-based distributions. I’ve been using EndeavourOS for some time, and I enjoy it. EndeavourOS is pretty close to vanilla Arch. I also experimented with pure Arch (more on that in future blog posts). However, the output of pacman in EndeavourOS is much more excellent and […]

Dropbox and Gnome 42

Now that Gnome 42 has been released and available in most Linux distributions, I started experiencing problems with the Dropbox icon in the system tray. First of all, I have no problem with Ubuntu 22.04, which comes with the extension “AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support” Moreover, I think the problem is not there because, while […]

Problems with Linux 5.13 in LG GRAM 16

I recently bought an LG GRAM 16 and I really enjoy that (I’ll blog about that in the near future, hopefully). I had no problems installing Linux, nor with Manjaro Gnome (Phavo) neither with Kubuntu. However, in Manjaro Gnome I soon started to note some lags, especially with the touchpad and some repainting issues. I […]

Fixing Right Click Touchpad in PineBook Pro

I recently bought a PineBook Pro (maybe I’ll review it in the future in another post). What annoyed me first was that the right click on the touchpad with a two-finger tap was basically unusable: you should be extremely fast. In some forums, the solution is to issue this command

but then you have […]

Caching dependencies in GitHub Actions

I recently started to port all my Java projects from Travis CI to GitHub Actions, since Travis CI changed its pricing model. (I’ll soon update also my book on TDD and Build Automation under that respect.) I’ve always used caching mechanisms during the builds in Travis CI, to speed up the builds: caching Maven dependencies, […]

Remove SNAPSHOT and Qualifier in Maven/Tycho Builds

Before releasing Maven artifacts, you remove the -SNAPSHOT from your POMs. If you develop Eclipse projects and build with Maven and Tycho, you have to keep the versions in the POMs and the versions in MANIFEST, feature.xml and other Eclipse project artifacts consistent. Typically when you release an Eclipse p2 site, you don’t remove the […]

How to add Eclipse launcher in Gnome dock

In this post I’ll show how to add an Eclipse launcher as a favorite (pinned) application in the Gnome dock (I’m using Ubuntu Artful). This post is inspired by First of all, you need to create a .desktop file, where you need to specify the full path of your Eclipse installation:

This is relative […]

HiDPI in KDE Plasma

HiDPI support in KDE Plasma has been recently improved! I’m afraid what’s not improved is the procedure for using that. In this post I’ll detail the steps to use HiDPI with KDE if you have a high resolution display (for example, I have that in my Linux Dell M3800). Remember that the settings you change […]

Flickering for Intel graphic card in Linux 4.2

After I upgraded my Dell Precision m3800 to the new Kubuntu Wily 15.10 I had a very bad surprise: the screen was continuously flickering in a way that it was unusable. This happens only if you are NOT using the default highest resolution 3200×1800 which, at least for me, is really too small. I thought it was […]