Monthly Archives: May 2024

Fixing the empty “open with” in Dolphin in Hyprland

I have already blogged about KDE applications in Hyprland.

However, with the latest updates, things broke a bit especially with Dolphin, which does not recognize file associations anymore: double-clicking on a file always shows this empty menu, as if it could not find any associations for any file:

On the Arch forum that has already been reported and claimed as solved: However, the reported solution only temporarily solves the problem, at least in Hyprland.

The steps to solve the problem and make it permanent are the following:

Install this package:

Check that it works by running:

Now, if you run Dolphin you should be able to open the files again.

However, as soon as you install/update KDE packages, the problem shows up again. To solve this permanently, add this line in the file “~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf”:

Exit Hyprland and get back in.

Now the problem should be solved for good! 🙂

Dual boot in a KVM Virtual Machine

If you want to experiment with multi-booting in Linux (for example, see this other post), you might want to consider experimenting with a virtual machine.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to install two Linux distributions on the same KVM virtual machine.

I’ll use Fedora 40 and EndeavourOS Gemini. Make sure you download their ISOs.

Let’s create the virtual machine:

You need to specify enough space for the storage for two Linux distributions.

Of course, I’m going to use UEFI:

And 3d acceleration:

Let’s start the installation of Fedora:

I’m going to use manual partitioning, e.g., in Fedora, the only usable tool I can think of: Blivet-GUI:

I’m creating the partition for UEFI:

And the partition for the main system. Although I could choose the entire disk, and then resize it later when installing EndeavourOS, let’s make things simpler and only use half of the space of the VM’s disk:

We can continue the installation til the end.

Restart the virtual machine and finalize the Fedora installation.

Shut down the virtual machine.

You might want to create a snapshot in case you want to return to this step.

Now, we must configure the virtual machine to give precedence to the CD ROM as a boot device and “insert” in the CD drive the ISO of EndeavourOS Gemini (see my review).

Let’s edit its “Details” accordingly:

First, enable “SATA CDROM 1” and move it up in order:

Then, load the ISO in the SATA CDROM 1:

Let’s start the virtual machine, which will now boot from the EndeavourOS Live ISO:

Now, we can install EndeavourOS Gemini (see my review). The critical part are choosing GRUB:

And the partitioning: we must choose manual partitioning:

Now, we must mount the existing EFI partition (the one we created during the Fedora installation above) as “/boot/efi”

And allocate the rest of the free space to EndeavourOS (I choose BTRFS here); if you want to add another installation later, you might want to leave some free space.

Here’s the result:

You then get a warning about the EFI partition expected to be FAT32, while Fedora created it as FAT16, but you can ignore it: the installation will succeed anyway:

That’s the summary:

Let’s conclude the installation.

At the end of the installation, instead of “restart”, shut the machine down.

In fact, we have to “virtually” remove the CD ROM as the first boot media; otherwise, the virtual machine will always boot from the ISO (you can also remove the ISO from the virtual CD ROM). We basically revert the operations we performed before installing EndeavourOS:

Now, the EndeavourOS GRUB menu will appear instead of the Fedora one:

Let’s boot into it and make sure everything works.

Now, let’s reboot the virtual machine; this time, we select the “UEFI Firmware Settings” in the GRUB menu:

And we’re into the “Tiano” UEFI:

By selecting “Boot Manager”, we access the list of available UEFI entries:

We can select “Fedora”, now in the second position, and temporarily boot that.

Alternatively, we can change the boot order:

That’all! Now, you can experiment with multi-booting.

Happy “virtual” multi-booting! 😉

Disabling tracker-extract in Gnome 46

I like the tracker service in Gnome, which indexes files so that you can easily search for them from the Activity view or the file manager. However, I don’t like tracker-extract, which also indexes the file contents: I use Recoll for such a service, and tracker-extract uses too much CPU (it indexes new or modified files as you create/change them).

In the past, up to Gnome 45, I could disable tracker-extract only with

However, in Gnome 46, that service has gone, so tracker extract always runs, and I couldn’t find a way to disable it. I discovered it when I upgraded to Fedora 40 or EndeavourOS, which both provide Gnome 46. I bet it will be the same for Ubuntu 24.04.

Luckily, I found help on the Gnome discourse forum:

There’s no supported way to disable tracker-extract, but I was suggested to simply wipe the tracker-extract rules from “/usr/share/tracker3-miners/extract-rules/”.

For example,

If you want to keep a backup, you might want to move those files somewhere.

That works!

But be warned: as soon as tracker-extract is updated to a new version, those files will show up again, and you’ll have to remove them again. Possibly, before logging into Gnome, to avoid that tracker-extract starts eating your CPU.

In the meantime, I also created this issue for Gnome:

Getting started with Rust with Visual Studio Code

I started learning Rust, and I found Visual Studio Code an excellent IDE for experimenting with Rust (in the future, I’ll also evaluate my beloved Eclipse).

I thought I’d share this experience.

Assuming you have already installed Rust, let’s create a project

Open Visual Studio Code in the “hello” directory

We get syntax highlighting for the Rust source but nothing more:

Let’s install the “Rust Extension Pack”, which includes several Rust-related plugins:

Returning to our Rust project, we can see that the “target” folder has been created with compiled binaries, thanks to the installed extension:

Moreover, we now have the code lens to run our Rust program in the Rust editor. And we also have hovering (and, of course, code completion!):

Moreover, we also get live validation in the editor with possible error markers and quickfixes when available.

Let’s run our Rust program and see the output (after compilation) in the Console:

Let’s try to debug it, and we get a message telling us to install another extension:

Let’s go with CodeLLB:

And here we are: I set a breakpoint, and the debugger correctly stopped there:

Happy learning and coding with Rust! 😉