Tag Archives: Arch

Installing Arch Linux with BTRFS on a PineBook Pro (external storage)

This is a follow-up to the article Installing Arch Linux on a PineBook Pro (external storage); differently from the previous post, this one is based on more automatic mechanisms, so it will be easier to copy and paste commands once a few variables have been correctly and carefully set. Moreover, in this post, I’ll install […]

My script for automated Arch Linux installation

In a previous post, I reported the procedure for installing Arch Linux. The procedure is basically the one shown in the official Arch Wiki. After a few manual steps, this post will show my installation script for automatically installing Arch Linux. I took inspiration from https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/ArchTitus, but, differently from that project, my script is NOT […]

KVM Virtual Machine Manager and Virtual Machines on external drives

Last year, I blogged about my first experiences with KVM and Virtual Machine Manager. Then, I stopped using KVM because I’ve always found VirtualBox easier for my experiments. In particular, with VirtualBox, it is trivial to store virtual machines on an external drive (I mean, a fast external SD, of course): you specify to use […]

Using Dropbox on a PineBook Pro with Maestral

Dropbox does not provide a client for the Linux Arm architecture, so you don’t have a client for a PineBook Pro. However, you can use the open-source project Maestral: Maestral is a lightweight Dropbox client for macOS and Linux. It provides powerful command line tools, supports gitignore patterns to exclude local files from syncing and […]

Network Printers Discovery in Arch Linux

In Arch Linux (and Arch-based distros like EndeavourOS), it’s easy to add a network printer if you already know its address. Still, network printer discovery does not work out of the box as it happens on other distributions like Fedora or Ubuntu. The procedure to enable network printer discovery is, of course, documented in the […]

Installing Amarok on Arch Linux

I have always liked Amarok, the (initially) default KDE media player. It’s very feature-rich, nothing compared to Elisa. Moreover, it has two crucial features that I haven’t found in any other players: it saves statistics (play count and stars) directly into the music file it synchronizes statistics with iPod Unfortunately, while still maintained, you won’t […]

Installing Arch Linux the (not so) hard way

After using EndeavourOS, an Arch-based distro, for some time with much pleasure and appreciating Arch mechanisms (packages and AUR), I decided it was time to try the “real thing” and install Arch the “hard way” 🙂 Spoiler: it’s not that hard! I thought it was hard. For sure, it’s more complicated than other distro installation […]

Installing Arch Linux on a PineBook Pro (external storage)

This post will describe my experience installing Arch Linux on a PineBook Pro on external storage (USB stick in this example). Thus, the Manjaro default installation on the eMMC will not be touched. You should use a fast USB Stick, or the overall experience will be extremely slow. I’m using a SanDisk Extreme PRO, which […]

My notes on the Grub incident in Linux Arch

In this post, I’d like to share my thoughts and the solution I adopted to circumvent the terrible incident that happened a few days ago with grub in Linux Arch. The bug affected all Arch-based distributions (not Manjaro, which is not really Arch-based, but for sure EndeavourOS and Arch itself). You can find the details […]

Enabling Hibernation in Arch-based distros

I had already posted about enabling hibernation in Linux, particularly in Ubuntu. Thanks to the script hibernator, the procedure is much more straightforward in Arch-based distros (including Manjaro and EndeavourOS). First of all, make sure you first install the package update-grub. The package hibernator is available from AUR, but currently, there’s a problem with the […]

Timeshift and grub-btrfs in Linux Arch

UPDATED 02/Jan/2023, ChangeLog: 02/Jan/2023: documented that the new version of grub-btrfs is now an official package (you still have to install another package: inotify-tools); 02/Dec/2022: documented the new version of grub-btrfs and its new grub-btrfsd daemon; the configuration for Timeshift is much simpler, but you have to install another package: inotify-tools. After looking at the […]

KDE Plasma 5.25 in Arch

After the recent release of KDE Plasma 5.25, this version landed a few days ago in Arch-based distros like EndeavourOS (the one I’m writing from). Although I’m mostly a GNOME user, I also have a few distributions installed where I’m using KDE Plasma. The new features that impressed me most are related to eye candies […]