Tag Archives: continuous integration

Caching dependencies in GitHub Actions

I recently started to port all my Java projects from Travis CI to GitHub Actions, since Travis CI changed its pricing model. (I’ll soon update also my book on TDD and Build Automation under that respect.) I’ve always used caching mechanisms during the builds in Travis CI, to speed up the builds: caching Maven dependencies, […]

My new book on TDD, Build Automation and Continuous Integration

I haven’t been blogging for some time now. I’m getting back to blogging by announcing my new book on TDD (Test-Driven Development), Build Automation and Continuous Integration. The title is indeed, “Test-Driven Development, Build Automation, Continuous Integration (with Java, Eclipse and friends)” and can be bought from https://leanpub.com/tdd-buildautomation-ci. The main goal of the book is […]