8 thoughts on “My forthcoming book on Xtext

      1. Lorenzo Bettini Post author

        Hi Joey, thanks for the pre-order ๐Ÿ™‚
        I do not know of a pre-release, but I’ll ask the publisher about that!

      2. Lorenzo Bettini Post author

        Joey, I asked the publisher and that’s what they told me:

        “We do have a concept called as RAW that has begun in the recent past where we provide the preliminary draft chapters to the readers and they get back to us with their feedback. The AE usually decides if a book can enter RAW or not. This is decided and done quite early in the book process and like MEAPs, the chapters are uploaded online as and when they are received from the author.

        Now with our book due to be published anytime next month or so, we cannot have a provision for RAW as the final drafts are accepted and the content of the book is finalized. So you will have to ask the reader to wait till the time the book gets published.”


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